
The LOHP is a registered charity (Number 1098232) and Company (Number 4684054). Its registered Office is Waveney Cottage, Redgrave Road, South Lopham, Diss, Norfolk IP22 2JN. Email:

The LOHP trustees are all local residents, and each parish council in the project area has nominated one trustee from their village. The trustees are:

Jo Pitt Chair
(Blo Norton PC nominee, Blo Norton Fen warden)
Reg Langston Hon Treasurer
(Hinderclay PC nominee, Hinderclay Fen warden)
Helen Smith Hon Secretary
(Warden for the Frith & The Lows)
Paul Brown
Nigel Clark (vice -chair (Hinderclay Fen warden)
Peter CosterPublicity Officer
(South Lopham PC nominee)
Dan Haskin (Thelnetham PC nominee)
Bob Hayward (Redgrave PC nominee)
Rowena Langston (Hinderclay Fen Warden)
Lindsay Medus (Membership Officer)

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